Your job hunt doesn’t have to be this hard.

Carefully crafted resumes and cover letters that get more interviews.

Book A Session

Presentation is everything.

Get more interviews and higher job offers by investing in marketing your skills with a pro.

When you hire LilyPad, you get:

📑  Your Career Story and Sales Pitch

A custom, modern resume and an effective cover letter pitch written by a professional marketer.

👥  One-on-One Guidance

One-on-one guidance from your writer/marketer on how to think about your skills and accomplishments.

🙌  2x More Interviews, Guaranteed

I guarantee you will get 2x more job interviews over the next 60 days or I’ll rewrite your resume for free.

🏁  Dedication — Your wins are my wins

Dedicated, undivided attention. I take only two clients per week. Book your day now!

Image LilyPad Resumes - Happy customers across 4 continents and 10 industries
  1. 1


    Book a 90-minute voice-chat to discuss your career story, talk about your goals, discover hidden wins, and discuss how you’ve grown.

  2. 2


    I get to work planning and writing the perfect resume and cover letter pitches targeted for your industry.

  3. 3


    Your new job hunting tools are delivered as .PDF for reading, .DOCX for future edits, and .TXT for Applicant Tracking Systems.

Guaranteed! I guarantee you will get 2x more job interviews over the next 60 days or I’ll rewrite your resume for free.

Best Foot Forward

Professionally Written Resume
  • 90 Min Consultation - One on one interview to draw out your strengths.
  • Professionally Written Resume - Highlight your career wins and stand out.
  • ATS Keyword Optimized - Get flagged for callbacks through Applicant Tracking Systems(ATS).
Book A Session

Professional Pitch

Professionally Written Resume & Cover Letter
  • Best Foot Forward Package
  • Cover Letter: Pitch your skills as solutions. Written with eight years of marketing experience.
  • Increased Callback Guarantee: Employers are 40% more likely to read a resume accompanied by a cover letter.
Book A Session

Professional Resume Sample

Trim the fat, and focus on what matters — your wins and accomplishments. Take a look at how powerful an accomplishment-based resume is.

Cover Letter Sample

A great cover letter convinces the recipient that it would be a mistake to pass up an opportunity to interview an incredibly valuable asset.

  • “I appreciate your help so much; it has been so much easier to send out applications now and best of all, I’m no longer lost in the void of every other person trying to get remote work.”
    Full Stack Software Engineer — USA
  • “I love the resume and cover letter. It’s getting attention from big banks and even government. My phone’s been blowing up and I was just offered a job at $180k/yr!”
    User Experience Designer — Sydney, Aus.
  • “LilyPad helped me discover and highlight the best parts of my work and personal history and sell myself in a way I had never thought of.”
    Adaptive Catalyst — Edmonton, CA.
  • “I’m really happy with your work. This whole process has been enjoyable and I feel like I got some real value out of it. I appreciate your help and I’m glad I spotted you on Reddit!”
    Creative Art Director — Terra Bella, CA.