Guaranteed! I guarantee you will get 2x more job interviews over the next 60 days or I’ll rewrite your resume for free.

Best Foot Forward

$160 Professionally Written Resume
  • 90 Min Consultation - One on one interview to draw out your strengths.
  • Professionally Written Resume - Highlight your career wins and stand out.
  • ATS Keyword Optimized - Get flagged for callbacks through Applicant Tracking Systems(ATS).
Book A Session

Professional Pitch

$200 Professionally Written Resume & Cover Letter
  • Best Foot Forward Package
  • Cover Letter: Pitch your skills as solutions. Written with eight years of marketing experience.
  • Increased Callback Guarantee: Employers are 40% more likely to read a resume accompanied by a cover letter.
Book A Session


Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect when I hire LilyPad?

Every engagement starts with a 90-minute interview to learn your strengths, document your wins, and learn what your advantage is over your competition. Depending on the writing package selected, I’ll carefully review your existing resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profile to get a sense of how you’ve been pitching yourself so far and then get to work on crafting a brand-new custom documents you can use right away to secure your next career move.

How quickly will I have my new resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile from LilyPad?

Average orders are completed and delivered within a week. A few days extra may be required for any revisions, if required. The whole process rarely takes more than two weeks.

Will my resume be editable in the future if something changes?

Definitely! Your new job hunting tools will be delivered in four formats; Google Docs and .DOCX for future edits, .PDF for reading, and .TXT for Applicant Tracking Systems.

How many writers work with LilyPad?

Just one. My name is Chris Savoie and I’m the sole owner & operator of LilyPad Resumes. I've spent the last eight years working in marketing as a graphic designer, copywriter, photographer, and programmer. I understand how business owners think and how they need to be addressed to get them excited about hiring new talent.

I take on just one client per day, so you have my absolutely undivided attention when we’re working together.

Does LilyPad use resume templates?

Yes and no. While I follow a standard resume layout every document is written fresh and customized for every client. My cover letter process involves touching on a few specific topics for each of the four paragraphs I include but they’re original every time. LinkedIn profiles follow the standard LinkedIn profile format.

Does LilyPad have testimonials and writing samples?

Yes! I’ll be adding more samples in the future but both testimonials, resume samples, and cover letter samples are all available.